Система ABS (некоторые заметки)

Как известно, система ABS (Anti-Lock Breaking System) предназначена для сохранения управляемости автомобиля при торможении в тяжелых условиях эксплуатации (гололёд, мокрое дорожное покрытие и т.п.).
Мнение о том, что эта система всегда сокращает тормозной путь не точно. Так как это зависит от состояния дорожного покрытия.
Например (офф) для Honda Civic Sedan 2000г.в. эффективность торможения с с/без ABS, м:
сухой асфальт (со 100 км/час): 53.4/52.5
мокрый (с 50 км/час): 23.4/36.6
мокрый (Panic stop с 50 км/час): 24.2/46.6
Примечание: При считывании кодов самодиагностики следует помнить, что методика считывания и стирания кодов, а также их интерпретация имеют некоторые отличия в зависимости от года выпуска, модели и комплектации.
Коды самодиагностики ABS MITSUBISHI
Коды самодиагностики ABS NISSAN и ABS NISSAN (New)
MRE Sensor Checker Project (new)
Некоторые коды неисправности системы ABS (TRC) TOYOTA
DTC ABS TOYOTA* Note: Not all trouble codes are used on all models. Toyota have difference for DTCs ABS (Tmc/Denso Made), ABS (Tmmk/Bosch Made) and ABS with Traction Control.
RETRIEVING CODES ABS Toyota by flashing ABS Light
1) Ensure battery is in good condition and is fully charged. Turn ignition on. ABS light should come on, then go out after 3 seconds. If warning light does not come on, check fuse, bulb, and wiring harness.
2) Turn ignition on. Remove short pin "WA-WB" from DLC No.1. Connect jumper wire between DLC terminals Tc and E1. If a code is stored, 4 seconds will elapse and ABS light will begin to flash a 2-digit code.
3) First number of blinks will equal first digit in code. After a 1.5-second pause, second number of blinks will equal second digit in a code. If 2 or more codes are stored, a 2.5-second pause will separate codes. After a 4-second pause, all codes will be repeated TESTING.
4) After replacing or repairing components, clear diagnostic codes. If a battery cable was disconnected during repairs, all codes will be erased. If battery cable was not disconnected during repairs, see CLEARING CODES.
Turn ignition on. Remove short pin from DLC No.1.
Connect jumper wire between DLC terminals Tc and E1. With vehicle stopped, press brake pedal 8 or more times within 3 seconds. Codes will be erased. Check that ABS light blinks 2 times per second. Remove jumper from DLC.
For Lexus RX300 американского рынка (OBD-II)
"Clear the DTC.
- Сonnect terminals Tc and CG of DLC No.3.
- Turn the ignition switch ON.
- Clear the DTC stored in ECU by depressing the break pedal 8 times or more within 5 seconds.
- Check that the warning light shows the normal code.
- Remove "short wire" from the terminals of DLC3."
NOTE: While diagnosing speed sensors, brake system functions as a conventional system.
1) Ensure battery is in good condition and is fully charged.
Turn ignition on. ABS light should come on, then goes out after about 3 seconds. If ABS light does not come on, check fuse, bulb, and wiring harness.
2) Turn ignition off. Connect jumper wire between terminals Ts and E1 of DLC No.1. Leave short connector in place. Engage parking brake. Start engine. ABS light should flash 4 times per second.
3) Drive vehicle straight ahead above 50 MPH for several seconds.
If ABS light displays any trouble code, go to next step. If ABS displays normal code, 4 flashes per second, check is completed.
4) Stop vehicle. Connect jumper wire between terminals Tc and E1 of DLC No.1. If a malfunction is detected, 4 seconds will elapse, then ABS light will begin to flash a 2-digit code. First group of flashes will indicate first digit in code. After a 1.5-second pause, second group of flashes will indicate second digit in a code.
5) If 2 or more codes are stored, there will be a 2.5-second pause between each code. After all codes are flashed, there will be a 4-second pause, then all codes will repeat.
6) Record diagnostic codes. Turn ignition off. Repair as necessary. Remove jumper wire from DLC. Clear diagnostic codes.
Light Flashes 4 Times Per Second All speed sensors and sensor rotors are normal
71 Low voltage of right front speed sensor signal. Check right front speed sensor and sensor installation
72 Low voltage of left front speed sensor signal. Check left front speed sensor and sensor installation
73 Low voltage of right rear speed sensor signal. Check right rear speed sensor and sensor installation
74 Low voltage of left rear speed sensor signal. Check left rear speed sensor and sensor installation
75 Abnormal signal from right front speed sensor. Check right front sensor rotor
76 Abnormal signal from left front speed sensor. Check left front sensor rotor
77 Abnormal signal from right rear speed sensor. Check right rear sensor rotor
78 Abnormal signal from left rear speed sensor. Check left rear sensor rotor
79 Deceleration sensor is faulty
- проверьте состояние протектора, возможна «неисправность» ABS из-за малого сцепления колес с дорогой.
- если неисправность возникла после замены тормозных колодок, амортизатора и т.п. работ, то проверьте разъемы и сопротивление датчика в этом месте;
- стоит проверить "регулярность" выходных импульсов датчика (подключив стрелочный вольтметр или осциллограф);
- профилактика датчика, т.е. его очистка от грязи - один из способов попытки "ремонта", т.к. иногда из-за загрязнения уменьшается его выходное напряжение;
- проверьте уровень тормозной жидкости, "прокачайте" тормоза и убедитесь в отсутствии на модуляторе ABS потеков масла;
- проверьте состояние (износ) тормозных дисков и исправность амортизаторов.